Delphi Advisors Portfolio

The examples below are representative of the types of products and services Delphi Advisors provides to clients. 

Review of the Colville Reservation 2015 Draft IRMP

IRMP Critique
Delphi Advisors was retained in 2017 to critique portions of the 2015 Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP) and the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Colville Reservation Forest in northeast Washington.  As part of our review we identified a variety of deficiencies in the IRMP and DEIS, including: an overly narrow application of annual allowable cut and sustained yield; lack of correlation between current/forecasted and desired future conditions; conflicting timber inventory estimates; lack of approaches to address wildfire risk; inaccurate DEIS economic-impact calculations; and invalid timber-based revenue projections.  We concluded that none of the alternatives considered in those documents, including the preferred alternative, would achieve the desired results of addressing forest health issues while maintaining an ecologically resilient forest and providing economic benefits to the Colville Reservation.  

Click on the icon at the right to view the report.

Leveraging Certification in Mission-Critical Applications

Do you need to validate raw material suppliers' district-of-origin/supply area declarations as part of a third-party certification process?  Clients who have used the innovative and cost-effective approach presented here have garnered "best in class" acknowledgements from independent third-party auditors.  A major advantage of this approach is that the results can be expanded to many other mission-critical applications -- including capital programs, wood fiber procurement strategies and logistics, and wood basin market analyses and competitor assessments.  

Click on the icon at the right to view the presentation.

Forest Valuation Case Study

Risk Presentation
This presentation, given at the SAF/CIF/IUFRO joint covention in Salt Lake City on 9 October 2014, highlights the inherent problems associated with adjusting the discount rate to account for risk when valuing forestland.  Rather than adjusting the discount rate, we argue Monte Carlo methods offer a better approach.  A case study, based on a real-world example from the authors' experience, illustrates the proposed methodology and results.  

Click on the icon at the right to view the presentation.

Economic Outlook

Economic Outlook
Since 2006, developed and distributed a monthly Economic Outlook and Commentary, including macroeconomic forecasting, to the forest products community through Forest2Market.  The Outlook and Commentary included a comprehensive review of economic conditions that provided a cohesive narrative for the accompanying macroeconomic forecast.  Proprietary econometric models were developed and maintained to prepare the macroeconomic forecast of key factors in the U.S. economy affecting the forest products industry.

Click on the icon at the right for a sample of past reports.


Since 2006, developed and distributed regional short-term timber product forecasts to support supply chain initiatives and tactical planning through Forest2Market.  The 24-month forecasts provided monthly averages for pine log size and price, pine benchmark prices, and pine and hardwood pulpwood prices, incorporating our proprietary macroeconomic forecast as well as models incorporating weather and logging conditions utilizing NOAA's forecast.  Geographic regions consisted of six regional markets and twenty-two sub-regional markets stretching from Virginia to east Texas in the U.S. South.  

Click on the icon at the right for a sample of past reports.