Straight Arrow Consulting

Thomas B. Montzka

Tom established Straight Arrow Consulting in 2005, a firm that specializes in timber market analysis, supply chain management, due diligence support, forest planning, coaching and facilitation, and project management.  Straight Arrow Consulting often works collaboratively within a network of other resource professionals as a "virtual corporation“ to economically deliver high quality work customized to client needs;  Delphi Advisors LLC is one such collaborative effort. For example, it delivered “4Cast” to the US South’s Forest Industry through Forest2Market® for seven years.  Other clients include ENGOs, public organizations, financial institutions, timberland owners, and forest product companies addressing timber market geographies across the United States .

Prior to establishing Straight Arrow Consulting Tom worked nearly 23 years for Boise Cascade, beginning in Louisiana and ending in Idaho, in a variety of positions related to resource management, financial analysis, and strategic planning and development.  As a Boise Cascade executive he managed the corporation's timberland planning program including harvest schedule planning, forest inventory, and competitive assessment of primary manufacturing facilities in timber markets throughout the western hemisphere, and timberland acquisitions and divestitures.  He also served as a catalyst for innovation in such areas as third-party forest stewardship programs, experimental landscape and ecosystem management programs, and intensive silviculture.  Tom, a native Minnesotan, holds a B.S. (Forestry) and an M.S. (Forest Management) from the University of Minnesota .