Welcome To Delphi Advisors

Delphi Advisors is a partnership of three consulting firms -- Straight Arrow Consulting Inc,
Huebschmann & Associates LLC and Abacus Enterprises Inc -- specializing in economic and market analysis and market forecasting related to the forest products sector.

We provide a variety of services.  See our Portfolio for examples of past work for clients. 

Macro Pulse is a rotating compilation and analysis of economic trends that will impact mills, timber owners, investors, lenders, and other stakeholders in the paper, wood products, and forestry sectors over the next 24 months.  Our most current economic dashboard of macroeconomic conditions is shown below. 

Our Clearing the Mist blog is an occasional commentary on news and events that affect the economic vitality of the forest products industry. 

For other services, visit our Services page.

For more details about Delphi Advisors or to request more information on our services, visit our About Us page.

Recent Headlines and Updates

- 2024.05.08 - Crude Oil Price - APR Data
- 2024.05.06 - Currency Exchange Rates - APR Data
- 2024.05.04 - Employment Report - APR Data
- 2024.05.03 - ISM and S&P Global Surveys - APR Data
- 2024.05.02 - Manuf. Shipments, Inventories & Orders - MAR Data
- 2024.05.01 - Construction Spending - MAR Data
- 2024.04.30 - Residential Sales, Inventory & Prices - MAR Data
- 2024.04.25 - Gross Domestic Product - 1Q2024 First Estimate
- 2024.04.17 - Residential Permits, Starts & Completions - MAR Data
- 2024.04.16 - Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization & Capacity - MAR Data
- 2024.04.11 - Consumer & Producer Price Indices (incl. For. Prods) - MAR Data
- 2024.04.08 - International Trade (Softwood Lumber) - FEB Data

- 2018.07.23 - Behind the Eight Ball: Housing and Population Growth
- 2017.05.13 - Tariffs & Taxes -- The Canadian Softwood Lumber Issue
- 2016.10.03 - Wood Products Quarterly Financial Review 2016Q2
- 2016.01.19 - Will Construction Spending Data Revisions Boost GDP Growth Estimates?
- 2015.12.18 - What Recovery in Southern Pine Sawtimber Stumpage Prices?
- 2014.10.30 - Zombie Trees

Forest Products Economic Dashboard


The Economic Dashboard looks at three types of economic information: Economic Activity, Costs, and Exchange Rates.  The previous six month’s behavior of U.S. macroeconomic variables are indexed relative to their historical 10-year minimum, maximum, and average (lower and upper ends of the orange bars on the graph, and black dots, respectively). 

Economic Activity indicates the vitality of the economy.  Because our focus is on the forest products industry we measure the change in Real Gross Domestic Product, Housing Starts, and Industrial Production.

Costs are the prime rate (cost of money), crude oil price, and the producer price index for final demand.

Exchange rates are indicative of global competitive shifts, highlighting risks and opportunities.  We track two important exchange rates for the forest products industry, the Canadian loonie and Japanese yen.  We also track the euro, one of the key exchange rates in the global economy.

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